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Musical contest

There were 3 winners of the musical contest - Borya, Vasya and Kolya. They took 3 different places - 1st, 2nd and 3rd and each of them received a musical instrument as an award - a guitar, a balalayka and a bayan.

  • Vasya took a second place
  • A guitar was not awarded to Vasya
  • Third-place winner didn't get a bayan
  • Borya was not awarded with balalayka
  • Kolya's place was higher, than Borya's
  • A bayan was not awarded to Vasya
Which place and an award got each of the winners?

Borya Vasya Kolya
Musical instrument

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List of Winners

NameDate# of attemptsTime spent
ST08/04/2016 19:26:52100:02:40
VladStar08/04/2016 02:10:07100:01:40


VisitorsAttempts to solve itWinners% solved% cheatedTotal time spentAverage time

This riddle was taken from the "500 scanwords" book.